St. John's, Darwin St. Philip's, Litchfield Our Lady, Manannah St. Philip School

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First Reconciliation

Children prepare for the Sacrament of First Reconciliation in 2nd grade. 

Children in Grade 2 who have been in a parish or family program, or St. Philip School since 1st Grade are invited to prepare to receive the sacrament of First Reconciliation.  Parents help their children to prepare for this special sacrament by bringing them to weekly Mass and a retreat day as well as by attending a parent session.  Preparation typically begins in September with the celebration in November.

If you have any questions or have an older child who has not yet received the sacrament of First Reconciliation, please contact your Religious Ed Coordinator.

St. Anthony - email Bonnie Meyer or call her at (320) 453-5765.


Our Lady - email Deb McCann with any questions or call her at  (320) 693-8900 or (320) 453-7526


St. John - email Deacon John Hansen or call him at (320) 221-4987.


St. Philip - email Karen Kulzer or call her at (320) 693-3313 x 104.

Individual Reconciliation:

     Saturday, St. Philip 4:15pm-4:45pm

     Thursday, St. John after 8:00am mass

                       St. Anthony after 8:00am mass (3rd, 4th, 5th Thursday)

     Friday, Our Lady after 8:00am mass

     or by appointment.