St. John's, Darwin St. Philip's, Litchfield Our Lady, Manannah St. Philip School

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School Forms

School Forms

Click here for the St Philip's School Handbook

New Students:

Enrollment form (Please fill in all applicable information.)

Health Emergency form (Please fill in all applicable information.)

Tuition Assistance form

Forms for the School Year

School supply list can be downloaded here.

Request form for Textbooks
Please fill out one for each of your children attending St. Philip School. Please check Yes, so that we can receive textbook aid from the state of Minnesota for your child.

Request form for District Pupil Health Services
Please fill out one for each of your children attending St. Philip School. Please check Yes, so that we can receive health supplies and the services of the public school nurse.

Local Field Trip Permissions
You may put all your children's names on one form. This gives us the necessary permission as stated.

Lunch Money Information
You may purchase lunch tickets and milk tickets early. Fill out the form and put it with your check in an envelope marked lunch and/or milk. (Kindergartners do not need milk money for morning milk break. This is provided by the state of Minnesota. They will need a milk ticket if they wish to have milk with cold lunch that they bring.) Grades 1 & 2 have a milk break each morning.

After School Form
If your child will be going to daycare after school, please fill out this form. You may put all your children's names on the same form if the information applies to all of them.

Application for Educational Benefits
Please fill out this form if there is a possibility that you could qualify for free or reduced price lunch. This program is in place to benefit your children, and we strongly encourage you to use it. Fill out one form per family. More information will be mailed to you about this program in early August.

Medication Form

Wellness Policy

Click here for our Annual Report.

Room Parent Duties